I can't think of anything to post about... so.. I'm going to just do a post on the love of my life, the father of two and the father figure of one, Ryan Cole.
We met in high school. Somewhere in our freshman/sophomore year. I had a boyfriend on and off and he had a girlfriend on and off. But we were friends. We ended up going to junior & senior prom together. I had a a boyfriend but he didn't like stuff like that. If I have ever sent you pictures from the prom, I think I said they were from our senior year.. That was wrong. It was junior year. Anyway, we were really close friends and shared almost everything with each other. We would talk late at night and he would listen to me while I was going through the hardest time in my life, my parents were fighting non-stop and almost got divorced, I recently learned I was pregnant, and a few other problems. He would come over every weekend and we would sit and watch movies together and if we would talk about our problems he would wipe away my tears and tell me it would be ok and give me a kiss on the forehead. Sometimes I felt like I was cheating on Adam, but in my heart I knew I wasn't, that we were only friends.
After we graduated high school we lost contact until we started college where we had almost all of our classes together. I really didn't talk to him much. Finally on May 23, 2007 we went out with friends. I had no clue he was going to be there. I was delighted when he was because I really wanted him in my life now that I didn't have a boyfriend. We went to his apartment that night since we had some drinks and didn't want to drive. We did the nasty and a month later we found out we were expecting our first child in March of '08 which we thought was a girl, then a boy, then a girl again, then a boy again. We just prepared for either. He was at my house almost everynight over the summer and in August we bought our first house together.
We spent the holidays with both of our families and I began to grow closer to his family and I felt like his sisters were my own. I loved them then and I love them now.
On February 25, 2008 we welcomed our first baby, Preston Cole who was born at 8:03pm after 12 hours of labor and 26 minutes of pushing. He was 7lbs 6oz and 20in long. He had a full head of hair and completely healthy. The arrival of our little baby boy was quite stressful on us being full time students in college and caused many fights that cause a 3 week split-up. We got back together. We have never been happier.
We spend all our time trying to give both Abbie and Preston a healthy, happy childhood. Abbie loves her little brother and is constantly giving him kisses.
On May 23rd we celebrated our 1 year anniversary together.
On Wednesday, June 4th, 2008 Ryan proposed to me. I said yes. We've had our handful of fights since then that almost resulted in a break-up.
Our life has been a roller coaster of good and bad, but we deal with it.
In october of 2008, we learned that we would be expecting our 2nd child together in May of '09. We're both in shock and a little freaked out. We'll learn to live life as a family of five and manage to make the best of it.
We spend all our time taking care of the kids, playing with them, and enjoying our peace and quiet at night.
We will both graduate from Penn State on December 20th, 2008 with a major in Music Education. I'm excited to finally be out and find a good job. I know, it's going to be hard to find one.
That's us. And well, we're boring.
This has nothing at all to do with this post, but we gained 2 new cars this weekend. Since we will have 3 kids in car seats, Abbie in a booster seat, Preston, in a 'big boy' seat, and the baby in a baby car seat, we need a bigger car. His dad got a new car and we gained his old Ford Explorer.. it really isn't old. It's only 2 years old.. or something like that. And we got his brother's truck. I love it. So, we have 5 cars. Two in the garage, 2 in the driveway, and one in the garage out back. We plan to get rid of the truck and maybe his car. Not sure. But we only have one car payment to make so it's not that bad.
2 years ago
3 Lovely notes:
even though you have had some ups and downs- it sounds like you love each other and that is what is most important. You will figure out the family of 5 stuff- it will come.
awe..so sweet. pete and I have had many ups and downs. Greay story
You know, I truly believe that no relationship can be successful until you come to the point of almost breaking up at least once. Sounds odd, I know. But sometimes you just have to get to that point.
Great story..
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