I had a good post lined up about how I still did not recieve any child support for Abbie. This has been going on for a few months now.. I know I'm luckier than other women out there who have kids 10+ years old and still didn't recieve anything. But, whatever. I'll give him until the start of the new year. I really could use this money now since it's the holiday season.. but, I'll cut him a break.
Now, my post has to do with Christmas decorations. I'm starting this post at 3:04.. and doubt it will get finished anytime soon.. so whatever.
We ate all the turkey. Finally. But, it was ohhh so yummy in my tummy :)
We started the holiday season off by shopping oh so early on Black Friday. By we on black friday, I mean my sister and I. We were on our way by 3:15 and in Harrisburg by 4. We went to the Bon-ton first to get one of those comforters that were on sale. Then we went to wal-mart. We were going to go to Target.. but the line was outragous and it wasn't worth it. After that we headed to McDonald's for a bite to eat and then we headed to Boscov's. We went back to the Bon-ton to pick up more of those comforters for other people who wanted them. After that we went throughout the mall to different stores, stopping at Aeropostale, Hollister, and American Eagle. I'm not so fond of Hollister and American Eagle anymore. As money gets tighter it gets harder to spend that money. So Aeropostale is good. Everyone thinks their prices are outragous.. and really, they aren't. We then went to Foot Locker and then left and went over to Kohls to get some jeans and then headed home.
Ryan and I started our holiday season off on Saturday by putting up the lights around the door and outside. We put up the stockings on the fireplace and put difference holiday things out on the fireplace. We went and got our tree on Saturday and decorated it on Sunday. It's almost done. Just a few little touches. We even re-arranged the living room so that the tree could be closer to the fireplace without not being able to walk around the livingroom.. and personally, i like it and want to keep it this way. I hung the christmas countdown thing on the fridge. We only have a few little things yet and then were done. ..
I'll post pictures if I get the chance to. .. which i highly doubt!
Sorry.. it's not a long post.. but I'm still at school. Ready to rip my hair out.
2 years ago
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