Saturday, December 6, 2008

Few responses..

I'm going to start posting responses on here to comments received on hm.. last five posts that have comments. .. here goes. oldest to newest.

Snotty Mess-

  1. From Pam- Tis the season! Everyone here is a snotty mess too. It does suck
  2. From Dana- sorry you're feeling yucky! i hate that...
  3. From Burgh Baby- Hope you are feeling better!
  1. Pam, I am feeling much better.
  2. Dana, I hate feeling sick. ick.
  3. Burgh Baby, I am. Thanks.

What Do I Do-

  1. From Pam- I iked to know and find out because then I can plan- bedrooms, clothes, names, etc. I just like being able to do all that. But I know lots of people who do not find out.
  2. From Dana- i think it should be a surprise.. there are such few surprises in life!! but it is really your choice.. do what makes you happy!!!!
  3. From Erin- O you can't find out the gender and NOT tell. That is unfair!!

    And about the pic..u can just use the same one you used. Unless you find something else. I'm not picky!!
  1. Pam, I agree. With the first two I found out and it was easier. But with Preston we were told girl then boy then girl then boy.
  2. Dana, We have decided to keep it a surprise. And yes, few things in life are a surprise which I decided to keep it a surprise because I don't plan for more kids. And I'm happy with my choice.
  3. Erin, I'm just stupid like that and would make people wait :) And, I have the picture. I'll upload it to the blog! :)
Sick As A Dog-

  1. From Pam- I'm so sorry you hear you are not feeling well. I'm glad you were able to take the day off and Ryan took care of you (how sweet!!). I hope you are feeling better!
  1. I'm so happy I was able to take the day off. He always takes care of me. I take care of him. And I'm happy to have a man like that.
I have nothing..

  1. From Pam- even though you have had some ups and downs- it sounds like you love each other and that is what is most important. You will figure out the family of 5 stuff- it will come.
  2. From Danielle- sweet. pete and I have had many ups and downs. Greay story
  3. From Erin- You know, I truly believe that no relationship can be successful until you come to the point of almost breaking up at least once. Sounds odd, I know. But sometimes you just have to get to that point.
    Great story..
  1. Pam, I think every relationship is up and down. No relationship is completely easy with no fights. We do love each other although he tries to act like he doesn't when he's with friends. I think it will be easier to adjust to a baby over the summer and we will have more time with him/her than we did with Preston since he went back to school slmost immediately and I went back in a little over a month.
  2. Danielle, He is the sweetest person in the world and I love him with everything I have. I think no relationship is complete without ups and downs. Thanks :)
  3. Erin, We always had our times from beginning to now. I actually think our breakup was helpful. But who knows. We're happy and in love. It's a boring story compared to some!


  1. From Pam- Oh- that is romantic! I'm sitting on my big butt wrapped in a blanket because it is cold. I love the idea of a walk in the snow- but I get cold so quickly that I wouldn't actually go out. We got about the same amount of snow here.
  2. From Erin- How sweet! It just started back up again here. We have big puffy flakes. Love this stuff!
  1. It was. Trying to keep each other warm while talking and catching snowflakes on our tounges. But my new jacket keeps me warm. And so does Ryan. But now I'm in 2 pair of sweatpants, 2 shirts, a sweatshirt, and 3 pair of socks. We got a little more snow. Not much.
  2. It is sweet. I don't think it really stopped at all yet.. let me check... yep, still snowing. It's not big and puffy but it's not real fine. More puffy but not big puffy.. hah. I'm Lovin' It! Hah, sound like McDonalds. Yum. Fruit and yogurt parfait.

Just so you all know what I think after I read your comments.

i didn't link to erin.. she's private.

2 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

That was fun! I like reading what you were thinking!

Dana said...

this was such a greatidea.. I LOVE IT!!!! you're too cute!!