Preston is sick. AGAIN! I'm seriously getting disgusted. I don't know what to do. They keep telling me the same thing over and over. He takes the meds gets better and then a few days later he's sick again. I talked to my mom and said you and Ryan can deal with it. I'm trying to enjoy a stress-free weekend. I'll only go home if I'm absolutely needed or he's being admitted to the hospital. Ashely and I were going to try and leave tomorrow but holy hell this snow is outrageous. Ryan sent me a picture from my sister's. How I wish I was at home to see this winter wonderland. It's a winter wonderland here too..but it would be better with my family. We're going to try and leave tomorrow. My car is at her parents so I'm driving straight home from there. I'll post the picture later and I'll let you all know when I'm leaving!
2 years ago
1 Lovely notes:
We didn't really get snow on my side of the mountain. All we got was a dusting. But the threat of it got me out of class early. So that was nice! Hope you can make it home (safely of course) tomorrow. Sorry Preston is sick again!
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