Sunday, January 11, 2009


That's all I know how to say anymore. Why God? Why me?

My mom called me around midnight to inform me that she was taking Preston to the ER but don't rush home and don't worry. How the hell do you not worry when your 10 month old is being take to the ER.. he's been constantly sick for the past month and I'm getting tired of it. I feel useless not being able to do anything for him. This time, it's dehydration because he wouldn't eat anything and if he did he would puke it back up. He would drink any juice or pedialyte.. nothing. if he did, he would puke it back up. My mom said that they gave him fluids in the ER through an IV and once they were done they gave him some pedialyte and my mom had a bottle.. he ate it and kept it down. She said they had a bit of trouble getting the IV into him and he hated it. He screamed.

I feel so bad for the poor kid. I just wish I could do something. I wish I had a magic wand and could wish him healthy. But I don't. So I can't. =[

3 Lovely notes:

Anonymous said...

O you poor thing! And him, too. Have you taken him to a doc to get evaluated? I hope you find some answers soon!

Pam said...

I'm so sorry! I hope Preston is feeling better soon. Both my kids have cold- again- and I know how hard that is. So I can only imagine how you must be feeling!

Danielle said...

Oh i am so sorry. We went through that with E! She was able to keep some soy formula is easier on the stomach. That is what we had to do when she had the tummy viruses. I hope he feels better!