Hey it's ash!
If you read my last post, you know all that's been going on, if not, I'll try to do my best and tell you and you can go back and read it all.
I moved to binghamton for a job. Had an amazing time there. I met an amazing man from Hershey, he's friends with my brother. We've been in a relationship since valentines day of this year and we are so happy together. I moved to Hershey over the summer, we started lookng for houses, found one and just recently found out that we got it. I was only supposed to have a short term sub job but it turned into a permanent position in the same district as rebecka. I told you I was expecting a child in november. We thought around the 13th. We later found out I was about a week ahead putting my due date at November 6th.
Okay, I think that's everything from that post.
In July I had an amniocentesis done. I did not want to have it done, but my doctor and boyfriend, both having medical knowledge (not in the same field), convinced me to have the amnio done. I had it done and my doctor called me and told me I should come in because he needed to talk to me and that my boyfriend, and to protect his privacy will be referred to as A from her on out, should come with me if he was not at work. Unfortunately he was at work in the middle of a surgery. Luckilly I was in Hershey that day so it would literally take me less than five minutes to walk from our apartment up to his office.
When I got to his office, the receptionist said he was waiting for me and took me right back. I KNEW this couldn't be good. She took me directly into his personal office. This made things even worse.
My doctor came in and had a horrified look on his face and he started off with "good afternoon Ashely" and continued with some medical junk which I'm pretty sure I zoned out during. He then got down to business and pulled some stuff out of a mamilla envelope and said "I have unforunate news, your sweet baby test positive for downs syndrome on your amnio." after that I'm pretty sure I just zoned out. I broke down. I put face in my hands and just cried. I cried for hours. Until this day I had no idea whether I was having a girl or a boy. I decided I wanted to know. We were having a boy. I decided on a name. I don't rememer what is was. But I changed it.
On July 28th or 29th, really don't remember because I was so out of it, I was rushed to the ER by A because my blood pressure was so high. My doctor had been monitoring it and had been slightly high at previous appointments. I also had protein in my urine.
I was admitted to the OB floor for monitoring. I started having very few contractions on the 31st. My blood pressure was getting extremely high. My doctor decided that if they didn't deliver the baby our lives would be in danger. They rushed me off to the OR.
At 11:37pm Conner sudhir was born at 14 weeks early. He was 1lb 11oz and 14in long. I spent an hour in recovery then was rolled into the NICU for a very brief moment to see him. I didn't remember what he looked like. I think I went to see him the next day, but i'm not sure, I was on a lot of medicine. They were still having trouble keeping my blood pressure normal. It wasn't as high but it was still high. I was on meds for that and a high dose of pain meds.
After that first full day I spent almost all my time in the NICU with him. But when you have two other kids at home, a bf, an apartment, and a new job teaching a grade you've never taught before, it's hard!
Conner is over 4lbs, eats from a bottle and isn't on any oxygen! He is coming home next Friday! That means we have to be moved into our new house by Friday.
They checked a few weeks after he was born and he showed no signs of downs syndrome! The test was a false positive! :)
Today was my last day of work until the week before thanksgiving because Conner is going to need so much individual attention. The week of thanksgiving I'm going to do half days. My district is very understanding. Conner is going to be seeing a ton of specialists here at Hershey because he was premature. He already started seeing some during his stay at the hospital, but i'm sure he'll be seeing more. I know for sure he'll be seeing therapists. We already have an appointment set up with a pediatric neurologist for the Tuesday after he comes home.
I'm so excited for him to come home! I've been waiting for this day for 2.5 months! I can't wait to hold him all the time! I've loved holding him since the first time I held him at 3 weeks old!
I just thought I'd update you all! Have a good weekend (:
I'll try to update next weekend when he comes home and let you know how it's going, it'll probably be after a feeding in the middle of the night (;
2 years ago
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