Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh. My. Gosh.

In one month and five days, (Not including today) Preston will be one. I can't believe it. It brings tears to my eyes to see him growing each day. Precious boy, I love you tons!

I still remember the day going to the doctor. Hearing the words "Get your bags and come back to the hospital!" I remember the drive home. The thoughts running through my mind. The tears. The nerves. I remember calling Ryan and telling him we're having a baby. I remember all the phone calls. I remember getting checked. I remember hearing "She's 10. Let's go!" And the most vivid memory of the day, seeing my son for the first time as he was placed on my chest.

Preston, 10 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day later, if I'm correct, you have seven teeth. You're very fiesty and don't allow me to check out those pearly whites. You stand and you're trying to take your first steps. You just can't master them. You go to take one step and plop, you fall. You were sleeping through the night and then all of the sudden you stopped. You now sleep most of the night. You usually wake up at 5 and come in to Mommy and Daddy's room. You've been quite sick lately. You're finally feeling better and I couldn't be happier! Precious boy, you amaze me every day. I love you, sweet son of mine! You're so handsome, don't let anyone tell you different.

Mommy ♥

2 Lovely notes:

Anonymous said...

isn't it amazing how time flies???
seven teeth? wow...we are holding steady at 6 for about 3 months now.

Pam said...

Wow! I remember when I started to read your blog and Preston was just a few weeks old. Time is going by too quickly. I can't wait to hear all about his first birthay!