Today was a day of what and why in our house and let me tell you, I'm ready to rip my hair out!
Abbie: Mommy, what's that? *pointing to wii remote* *The kid knows what it is! she plays the wii*
Me: Abbie, don't start.
A: Mommy, what is it?
M: Abbigail, you know what it is. Now stop
A: No I don't.
M: Abbigail Leeanne, if you don't stop I'm taking your baby doll!
M: Then stop asking questions about the wii remote!
Setting: I'm making lunch. Ryan's paying bills at the kitchen table. I'm holding Preston and Abbie is watching.
A: Mommy, what is that? *points to butter*
M: That's butter.
A: Why are you using that?
M: Because I want to.
A: But why?
M: Abbie, stop!
A: But why?
M: Abbigail, stop now. Or baby is going bye-bye!
1pm in the car
A: Where are we going?
M: To the mall.
A: Why?
M: So I can return stuff.
A: Why?
Ryan: Abbie, Stop. Now.
A: Why?
M: Abbigail, if you don't stop, were going home and your not watching any television.
and that was our day.
if you can't tell, I was extremely irritated everytime I heard why and what.
i'll have pictures tomorrow!
2 years ago
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