Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Babe.. will you dress me?"

I woke up to Ryan asking me to dress him this morning. I was like WTF. He failed to tell me last night he got a call from the school asking to substitute. Of course he said said yes because we obviously need the money. This would be his big day. He hasn't substituted yet. But he was ready. He knew he could do it. So this morning our conversation went a little like this-

*and yes, I was asleep when he asked me to dress him. and the whole conversation I was half asleep.*

Ryan: Babe, will you dress me?
Me: What are you talking about?
R: I said (yelling a little louder now from the closet) Will you please dress me?
M: Why?
R: I have to go to school.
M: And you can't dress yourself? You do every other day..
R: But I want to look nice for my big day.
M: Sure..

so i picked out a nice pair of black pants, a nice button up shirt. I believe it was red and a black tie with red detailing. He looked fantastic!

I can't wait for him to walk through the door. I've missed him!

0 Lovely notes: