Friday, December 19, 2008


Why am I awake when I don't have to be?

and isn't it amazing that the day I don't have to be at school, we get threatened with a winter storm getting almost a foot of snow and they call school off at 6am, yes my brother called me. See, I would go to school and leave early so you don't have to make it up. Whatever. I don't have to go to school and I don't care.

And, I sound like a broken record, but I' m sooo proud of myself and just happy as can be. I swear, I'll be back with details at some point.

2 Lovely notes:

Anonymous said...

All we have here so far is rain..yuck. But I saw that the whole world is shut down up there. that always makes me laugh!
Congrats...u should be very proud of yourself!!

Pam said...

I had a full day today- we were on the line of rain and sleet- it was rain, then sleet while we were in school and then rain again by the end of the day. And- you should be SO proud of yourself! You earned it!