I am weird. Yes, I admit it.
While being in the elementary classroom I seen a case of child abuse. It wasn't everything severe. It was a few hits and whatever. I know the kids parents and I know what they're like. Because of this, I have a growing concern of trying to help promote awareness of child abuse. I found a book. A book that is absolutely horrible. Not horrible as in not good content to read. Horrible as in what the child had to endure.
I'm currently starting the 4th chapter of A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer. It is horrible. I've cried already this morning just by picking up the book.
I copied the following from barnesandnoble.com
Dave Pelzer shares his unforgettable story of the many abuses he suffered at the hands of his alcoholic mother and the averted eyes of his neglectful father. Someone with no one to turn to, his dreams barely kept him alive. Through each of his struggles, readers will find themselves enduring his pain, comforting his loneliness and fighting for his will to survive.
Dave's other books include The Lost boy, A Man Named Dave, and The Privalege of Youth: A Teenager's Story.
3 Lovely notes:
I read that book, and your right..it is just downright awful and disgusting what he went thru!
I read 3 of those books- the only one I haven't read is the teenage years one. They are all horribly sad and terrible. I cried through each book - it breaks my heart to think of any child going through that. Children are so innocent and have done nothing to ever deserve that kind of treatment.
child abuse is so horrible.. I don't know how anyone could do that!!
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