Today I am 20 weeks pregnant.
I haven't really talked much about my pregnancy on here. It's going great. No complications. I'm finally starting to look fat. Not pregnant. So I'm way behind in the weight gain, but the doctors say everything is fine, so I'm not worried. I finally updated my babycenter account. It now has 3 children listed on the side. Not 2. I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment this past Monday but I decided to cancel it because the weather was horrible. It was cold and just yucky and I had no one to watch the kids. It turns out my doctor ended up having an emergency C-Section during the time my appointment was supposed to be, so it all worked out. I have a new doctor's appointment scheduled for this coming Monday at 9am. My mom is going with and if the baby decides to cooperate my mom will find out if were have a baby boy or girl. How were pulling it off, I don't know. But we will. My mom will buy all pink or blue stuff that I want and then I will reimburse her after the baby is here.
Ryan and I are getting more excited as the days go on. We often said we wanted another baby and then changed our minds. The last time we said we did, we said we would wait a few years. And then when I got that positive pregnancy test, we were scared. But it's getting easier and we've really watched how much we spend on things.
On babycenter, it says I should have gained about 10 pounds so far. I think I've gained 6 and just look fat. But in pictures you can't tell.. weird!
And, we've also decided we're not going to take any parenting classes. We took some before Preston came, and OMG Preston turned 10 months old yesterday! I feel we don't need them because we're perfect parents to Abbie and Preston. Ryan feels the same. If you feel that it's necessary, that's your own opinion. I'm following what I want. It's my body. My life. My kids. I'll do what I think is best for them and if no parenting classes is what I want, then deal with it!
Now, I'm going to play with the kids. Time to play with some new toys!
2 years ago
4 Lovely notes:
I'm so glad things are going well with your pregnancy. Don't worry about the parenting classes- it isn't like you haven't done this all before. I took classes with my first but not with Riley.
wow...I can't believe u have reached the half way point!! Good for u!
Isn't there any way I can bribe you to let us in on the gender!!??
Pam, I'm super excited that we haven't had any problems yet. I haven't had any morning sickness either! :)
Erin, If I knew the gender, I would gladly tell! Seriously. But I don't. I had a drs appointment today which I'm going to blog about tomorrow. My mom did find go with today and find out. That makes me a tad bit jealous.. but I only have to wait 20 more weeks :) But, in may you will know the gender! :)
May? I have to wait until May? Are u serious?? I will have to find your Mom and make her tell me!
A family member on Hubby's side is finding out but not telling either.
I just don't get it....
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