next week, ill be 25. that's a quarter of a century. holy shit! also, in two days, Katy will be two. were having a birthday party tonight for her with her favorite nurse who won't be here on her birthday.
on the 29th, Landon will be one. where did the past year go!? Abbie will be 7 in June. and! Ryan and i will be married a year in July! ah! its been such a good year! until we found out Katy has cancer.
but, were getting through. I asked Katy what she wanted for her birthday and she told me "to not be sick momma!" if I could only give her that gift!
she is doing very good. she's tolerating the chemo well. her doctors don't hide anything from me. they tell me when shes not doing well. I catch them late at night in the cafeteria a lot when I'm getting coffee or ill see them in the hall on my way and we'll sit and have coffee together. her oncologist said depending on how well she's doing, if theirs any cancer left, etc. she could go home before the end of summer. but dont get my hope up.
2 years ago
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