Wow, i can't believe it's been so long since i've updated! I've been soo busy! Everyone is doing really well here!
Abbie is turn 6 in nine days! I can't believe she's turning 6 and she's going into 1st grade next year! I feel like it was just yesterday I was sitting in my bathroom with a positive pregnancy test and crying because I had no clue how I was going to balance my freshman year of college and a newborn, but here we are, 6 years later, and she's a healthy little girl and she's so smart. I'm so proud of her! She lost 1 tooth and has 1 loose one! She's going to play soccer in the fall and is just finishing t-ball!
Preston is doing fabulous too! He definitely calmed down a lot. He doesn't run around the house like a maniac. He plays with his sisters really well and can hold Landon really well, I'm really impressed! He's only 28 months old so I can't start him in pre-school yet this year, but I could next year if I wanted to but I don't think I will. I can't believe I'm already thinking about pre-school for him! geeze!
Katy is doing great too. She's walking everywhere and never stops. She has almost all her teeth I think, she never lets you look in her mouth so I never get a chance to look. She talks all the time. She says "mama" "dada" "caca" -cat "baba" -bottle "ball" plus some other and her gibberish :)
Landon is doing as good as a 2.5 week old can do! I can't believe he's 2.5 weeks old already. He barely cries. Only when somethings wrong or one of his sisters or brother bothers him. He eats like a champ! When he's awake in the middle of the night for a feeding he goes right back to sleep when I rock him. I am so in love with this kid! :)
Ryan is doing great. He is doing great with the kids. If i need a break he has no problem taking them to the park or letting me go to the bedroom for a little and playing with them. He's wonderful with them! He does not have a full time teaching job for next year so in a way that's good because it will save us money because he will be able to be home with the kids if he's not working. He's looking. I'm looking for a new job!
I'm doing great. I'm doing like 15-20 of the 30lbs I gained in the pregnancy. We walk everynight. It's great. I got a job offer at a school a little farther away but making more money. It would probably be more in the long run.. I have to figure it out. I'm not sure if I'm going to take it or not. I have to figure out what the area is like and at my district I didn't plan to go back to work until the 27th of September because I used 2 weeks of my maternity leave and was going to use the remaining 4 at the beginning of the year. I just need time to figure it out.
My sister Caitlin, the one that has lived in my basement for almost 2 years now, is moving out finally! Why? She's going back to college. She dropped out after she Brandon and Emalle even though she swore she wouldn't. She was majoring in nursing. She's going to Penn State main campus, with my brother, to major in Pre-med. Even though she'll have to go 4 years there and then 4 years to med school and then do at least a 4 year residency and not be done until she's 32, she's still going to do it. She really wants to do what's right for her family and I'm so proud of her! Because of Penn State UP rules, she'll have to live in a dorm for her freshman year and her boyfriend, Brandon, and Emalle are either getting an apartment up there or living with the family he has up there. Then her sophomore year they're going to get an apartment or some sort of off-campus housing. I could not be happier for her! :)
I forgot to mention, in 24 days, Ryan and I are getting married! :D
Hope you all are having a fantastic summer so far! :D
2 years ago
3 Lovely notes:
It sounds like everyone is doing really well! I'm so glad to hear the kids are doing well and growing so well! Wow! 24 days until your wedding! I can't wait to hear all about it- enjoy it! Have a great summer!
Everyone is doing really well! I can't believe the wedding is so soon! I can't wait! We couldn't decide on a honeymoon and we finally decided on a week in France! I can't wait. I speak French so I'm really excited!! We would decide on a place and then we would find a new place and finally I talked to my old French teacher one day who was like " you should totally go to France!" I was like perfect idea!
It's definitely going to be a busy summer but I'm all for busy :)
Congratulations on the wedding!
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