Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day!

It's been forever since I blogged! Sorry!
I just don't have the time.
I'm 24 weeks pregnant now and we decided to not find out what were having which I think I might have shared that, but I don't know. Like last time my mom knows and has paint for the little babe's room waiting in her basement for when he/she makes his/her arrival. My doctor said he will not let me go 9 days over again. He said no more than a week, and I'm perfectly fine with that :)
All the kids are doing great. Abbie is loving school. She is enrolled in PM kindergarten so whenever her school lets out early, she doesn't have to go to school, she loves that! It kinda sucks living in one school district and teaching in another! Over half of the school year is gone.. I can't believe it!

-I forgot to include before I published this earlier that in exactly 5 months I will be getting married. At the beach! :) Just sayin' It'll be nice and warm! Not cold and snowy!
If you all have snow like we do, Hope you're enjoying it :)

2 Lovely notes:

Anonymous said...

i like your new background :)
i like snow, but enough is enough already. and there is more to come tonight :(

Rebecka said...

Thanks, I'm thinking about changing it.. I've had enough of this one.
And yeah this snow right now is really falling! Soo hoping for a 2hr delay tomorrow :)