Sunday, January 11, 2009


I'm so incredibly touched by the family that was on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I cried my eyes out. The poor kid is so fragile but yet so full of life. Here I am, whining because my kid is running a fever when their is kids like little Jake who could simply fall off a step and lose their life. He has such brittle bones and dwarfism and boy, did I cry. The kid is cute. If you didn't watch it, you missed out on something wonderful. Seeing how little independence little Jake had made me realize what I take for granted. He couldn't even brush his teeth alone or go to the bathroom alone. But now, thanks to ABC and all the wonderful people that helped, he can live the life all of us live!

I couldn't even imagine having a child like that. I couldn't do it. That sounds selfish, but in all honesty, I couldn't. I would be so scared of all the things that could happen!

Now, seeing Preston sick compared to that little boy, makes him look healthy!

1 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

that show always makes me cry!