It's time for Not Me! Monday. I truly love doing this. Hop over to MckMama's site for more Not Me! Mondays!!
I did not have to reload everything onto my computer. Again. Because it crashed. Again. If I had to do that, I probably would have just smashed it! Really. Two times since June.. come on!
I did not leave my house yesterday in hopes to get some peace and quiet. That would be neglect. I love my kids and would never leave them and be so selfish.
I did not admit yesterday about my imperfectness. Why? Because I'm perfect. Duh. I have the cleanest house on the block. My kids are well behaved and play well with each other. Laundry is always done and Ryan and I don't fight!
I take showers daily. Which means I did not go two days without a shower this week. I mean I take a shower even if I'm going to lounge all day.
I love having family over. Meaning I did not turn down the offer to have Easter at our house. I know, it's January 4th and our family is already planning Easter dinner. Don't worry, my mother will make sure that Easter dinner is at my house.
2 Lovely notes:
Great not me monday, I to have had that problem with my computer before. I had to restore the hard drive.
I love reading these not me posts because I feel so much better about myself as a mom then! It makes me feel more normal and less like a failure!
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