Friday, January 2, 2009

Not Again.

I really don't feel like re-typing this.. so here,

rnicole8604 ..But I'm afraid I might have to.
rnicole8604 .. he ate about half (4oz.) and now puked it back up. What do I do? I really don't want to take him to the ER again..
rnicole8604 I tried giving Preston a bottle, he gets a bottle at night and baby food and those puff things during the day..

rnicole8604 going to give preston a bath. i hope he isn't getting sick.. goodnight, twitter!
rnicole8604 my hand smells like baby puke.. that could be because Preston just puked on me as I was taking him out of his crib.. poor boy.

My poor baby is getting sick again. I'm hoping that I don't have to take him to the ER again.. but I'm at a loss of what to do. Anyone have any suggestions. I think I'm going to try giving him another bath and lay down with him in bed. I'll update in the morning.

2 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

I'm so sorry! I hope he is feeling beter! I have been away for a few days and trying to get caught up. Hope you had a great New Year and sorry about Penn State- Gary was pretty ticked himself.

Dana said...

oh no... hope he's doing better!!!