I feel like my belly just grew over night. Over the past week, I have outgrown almost all of my jeans. Oh Em Gee. I've been wearing sweatpants if I don't have to leave the house. Actually, I have left the house in sweatpants. But whatever!
Tomorrow Ryan has a dentist appointment. According to Burgh Baby's Mom, the know-it-alls, AKA doctors/professionals say you should take them to the dentist at age three. Hello, kids don't sit still. Your sticking shit in their mouths.. NO COMMON SENSE! I'm going to make an appointment for over the summer. Then were heading to the mall to get some pictures taken and do some shopping. Then to the farm show.
Now, it's Bachelor time!!
2 years ago
1 Lovely notes:
I love baby bellies! I think it is so amazing that there is a baby growing in there- yeah for you!
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