I'm not perfect. My kids aren't perfect. My family isn't perfect, nor is my house perfect. We're a bunch of imperfectness! Deal with it! Oh, and I'm not trying for Mother of the Year! K? I spill drinks down the front my white shirts. I occasionally fall down the step to the garage in heels and sometimes screw up my makeup. I don't clean like I used to. I started a family extremely early in life. My kids fall over. They hit each other. Ryan and I fight. My house isn't spotless. Toys are usually everywhere. Sometimes dishes don't get done everyday. And I don't do laundry everyday. I don't cook every night. Some nights it's pizza. Some nights Chinese. Others I'll stand over the stove for hours preparing a delicious meal. Some days I don't shower. My kids dress better than I do. My kids are bad. They don't leave each other or the pets alone and constantly cry if I'm not in their sight. I don't sleep. I make tons and tons and tons of grammar and spelling mistakes if I'm sleep deprived. I try my best and use spell check. When I do get sleep, I pretty much get everything right. Lately, it's been pretty bad. Sorry!
I'm hoping that me 'revealing myself' doesn't drive any of you away.. but an effortless post I've been meaning to do for awhile now. It's all over the place but it reflects my life and who I really am! I'm imperfect and I wouldn't want it any other way!
2 years ago
2 Lovely notes:
None of us are perfect and I personally like 'seeing' the imperfect side - it makes me feel better about my own imperfect life! Those who make it appear they have it all together are usually just faking it anyway. Glad you feel you can 'come clean' with us!
Sweetie, you just wrote the story of my life!! Thank you very much.
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