Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ask Away.

In honor of making it to 500 posts, I'm opening myself up to you. Ask me any question. Multiple questions. They can be as personal as you want. They can be anything from what's the name of your dog to how often do you have sex.. yea, i said personal. I'll answer anything!


I got extremely good news!
I got a job! Yea! I'm going to be substituting starting in February for the rest of this school year. It's in the elementary school with the kids I student taught with. I went today and got my badge back. I had to turn it back in when I was done because that's what you use to get into the building. I also got my user name and password for the computers. I'm super excited and can't wait to start! :)


I have two picture filled posts coming tonight! I'm going to do one with pictures I've taken over the past week. And ones with pictures from photobucket of things i like!

3 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

That is AWESOME about having something through the end of the school year. YEAH!!

So questions....okay.....
How did you choose the names of your kids?
Would you move from where you live now?
If money were not an issue- would you stay home or would you still work?
What is your favorite thing to eat for supper? snack?
Where is your dream vacation?
If you had a superpower- what would it be?
If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself as a teen?
What do you like most about Ryan? Abbie? Preston?
What is the hardest part of being a mommy (in your opinion)

Okay- I guess that is it! :) As if I didn't ask a million things already!

Dana said...

congrats!!!! thats sooo great!! let me know if you have any questions with the teaching - i'm here to help if you want!

what is your favorite place to eat?

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

Do you have any regrest?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am a little late here, I know. But congrats on making it to 500!
My question...hmmm...Are you having a boy or a girl?? :)
In case your not going to answer that...
Do you guys have any wedding plans yet?