Friday, January 16, 2009

As Promised

I promised to post about my day yesterday and today.. so here it is!

I woke up at 6:30 and saw schools scrolling across the bottom of the TV. I prayed to The Gods Of School Delays that we would have a 2 hour delay. And we did. Little did I know I wouldn't be falling back asleep at 6:30. I received a phone call from my sister asking If I could come watch her kids until at least 8 because the sitter wouldn't allow kids into her home until 8. It was a bit ridiculous. But whatever. I said sure. I got there and fell back asleep. When the alarm went off, I woke them up and took them to the sitter. I went home, took a shower and put on my best clothing. I arrived at the school at exactly 10am. The first kid walked in at 10:10. Since it was snowy and cold we had indoor recess. Not what I was looking forward to. But we had a good time. I enjoyed my first day and I'm so happy I got to go back today. Today we had another delay. This delay was called at 7:30 last night! So, I slept until 8. We had another good day and I'm glad to be heading home soon.


Sorry I've been slacking.. it's been pretty busy around here. We're finally realizing that another week is down and it's only 17 weeks until the baby is here.. that my friends, is a little freaky. So, if you don't hear from me for a few days, I'm trying to prepare this house to become even more crazier!

2 Lovely notes:

Danielle said...

what time do your kids get up? I wish E slept in! Sounds liek you had a good start. 17 weeks will fly by!

Pam said...

I'm glad you had two good days in the school. Hope you get to go in more. Delay days are the best. Wow! Only 17 more weeks to go! I can't wait to hear about your little one!