So here's just a bunch of stuff being thrown out there since I can't sleep and it's 1:57am.
I spent wayyyy too much money today. I bought some stuff that was need and some stuff that wasn't. But, I used all Christmas money and giftcards.
Ryan and I had pictures taken today. Kinda random pictures. But probably our last pictures as a family of four. I know for a fact once we get closer to May, I won't want to be getting pictures taken!
Dairy queen should not be within half a mile of a pregnant person. Seriously.
My sister, her boyfriend, and kids will be living with us come the new year. I'm kinda excited. As pam said, I'll have an in house sitter. haha. Just kidding! I would never make her watch four kids! Depending on how much stuff she has depends on what we do for living quarters. Her living room furniture is going in the basement, probably, unless she finds someone who wants it. And she's taking Abbie's room and Abbie's room will be my office. Who knows where I'm putting all that stuff. Oh well. We'll work it out somehow. I'm sure Abbie won't be happy when I tell her that she's going to be residing in the second floor of our home, but she will be happy that her little cousing are going to be living with us!
Sometime soon,I hope, I'm going to start applying for substitute jobs. Just have to get everything together. Let's hope that I can find some kind of long-term substituting job.. that would help greatly.
now, i'm going to try and sleep.
2 years ago
2 Lovely notes:
I hate when I can't sleep- my mind always comes up with crazy stuff in those way to early hours of the day.
Shopping is way too much fun- especially when it is with Christmas (or birthday) money and gift cards! Then it is the best!
DQ is pretty great too! We have one down the road from us (right off 81) and during the summer it is not good for my waistline! Ours sells food too so then I end up eating dinner and dessert there!
Good luck with the new living arrangements. It is wonderful that you are doing that for family. I'm sure it will all work out!
Good luck with substituting and job hunting. Bookmark a lot of school district web sites and keep checking back to see what they have posted. Figure out the places you are willing to go and check their sites, call, etc to see what they have available. Make as many personal contacts as you can. In my district, some people gotjob offers because they went and talked to principals and handed in their materials that way. The school I am in this year will need a music teacher next year due to retirement. That won't be posted until later in the year though. Anyway- good luck!
Pam, I finally got to sleep.. although I was awake for a veryy long time.
our DQ has food too.. i just like the ice cream.
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