Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Just Another Day Off..

I had to take off today. I could't have functioned on 30 minutes of sleep.

Preston had another fit last night at bathtime. He was feeling a little warm so I took his temperature. Uh, he had a fever. Off to ER we go. His fever was bouncing between 103.5 and 104. He just screamed the whole way to the hospital. It turns out he just has a bad cold and was given meds, a shot, and had blood drawn and we were sent on our way. I couldn't sleep all night because he couldn't.

3 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

Oh no! I am so sorry! I hope that tonight he is feeling better and you can both get some sleep! I'm thinking of you!

Danielle said...

OH NO! I hope your lil guy feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing..and you!
Hope tonight is better!