In my last post or whenever, I said Ryan was at his parents for 2 nights and the kids were spending the week with my parents. I knew I could spend the 2 nights without Ryan. I can call and have actual conversations with him. I wasn't sure about the week away from the kids. Ryan called me this morning saying that he's going to be gone the whole week. It really shocked me. He goes every year... it just breaks my heart that I'm home all week by myself. Oh well. It gives me time to get myself together. I have some stuff to tell you people. but it's not the right time right now. But here's a bunch of random goodness for the heck of it.
I went to bed at 9pm last night. The earliest I have gone in five years.
I slept the whole night last night. That's the first I slept through the night in over a year. When I found out I was pregnant I couldn't sleep the whole night. I was constantly thinking of what if something happens to me. how am i going to raise two kids. blah blah blah. Then he came. He started sleeping through the night.. and I didn't. So last night was the first night I slept through the night since July of last year.
2 years ago
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