Were they tears of joy? Or tears of sadness. I don't know. But it was good to get it out.
I was taking a trip down memory lane tonight. I went through some old pictures from childhood to now. I came upon ones from the weeks leading up to Abbie's birth and her birth and her first year.
The weeks leading up were definitely difficult. I was just graduating high school. I was trying to make things work and make ends meet. It was difficult.
Then came her arrival. It was one of the best times of my life and also one of the worst. I just welcomed a new baby into my life. alone. Adam and I were having problems and we'd argue one day and be nice as pie the next. I had a difficult time doing everything pretty much on my own. But I did it.
One Month: (July)
Then she turned one month old. It was now the end of July. She was becoming more and more like me everyday. She slept most of the time and so did I. But we bonded and we loved each other. We would cuddle at night and keep each other warm.
Two Months: (August)
August 25th roles around, her 2 month birthday. I had already started my freshman year of college. Boy was it tough. Between not getting sleep at night, trying to do homework, spend time with her, and work. I took advantage of the days I only had 2 classes to sleep and bond with Abbie. I also worked those nights because I had the days with her.
Three Months (September)
We've made it another month. She's now 3 months old. This first month of college. Finally gone. She's impressing me even more each day. She has that little smirk when she gets excited. She doesn't wake up as often. And she's happier. Life's becoming much easier.
Four Months: (October)
I was a kangaroo for Halloween :)
Five Months: (November)
Another month down. It's Thanksgiving. What a wonderful way to spend my Thanksgiving. I had the perfect, most precious baby. I gave thanks for her all day long. Too bad she couldn't enjoy some yummy turkey.
Six Months: (December)
Time for baby's first christmas. Holy cow. She's six months old and can almost sit up on her own! And I smile all the time. I didn't spend a lot of money on toys because she wouldn't play with them. So I bought her clothing. We slept almost all day during winter break. I worked though. So I for the best of both worlds.
Seven Months: (January)
We're now seven months. We giggle constantly. Sitting up all on her own! She's doing the army crawl. It's so cute! And, she's cutting her first tooth!
Eight Months: (February)
Holy freakin' cow. She's eight months old. She has three teeth. She thinks she's the queen of the house and that the whole world revolves around her. Hah.
Nine Months: (March)
March, she's nine months old and has a total of four teeth. I'm almost crawling! I can't believe we've made it nine months so far. I can't believe all the accomplishment. It's simply wonderful.
Ten Months: (April)
She's now crawling. everywhere. She has a total of six teeth. She loves my cell phone. She loves chasing the dog. It's so cute. She has such a precious beautiful face that I can't get enough of. I can't believe I'm almost done with my freshman year of college. Wow. We've made it this far without problems.
Eleven Months: (May)
She's now walking. She walks everywhere. She gives me a hard time at night when it's time for a tubby. I really got frustrated. We've made it completely through my freshman year of college. It's going by so fast. You're soon going to be a year old and I can't believe it. All the progress you have made. All the teeth you have. I love spending each and every day with you now that I'm not in school.
One Year: (June)
We've finally made it to a year old. It's been a long but quick year. I can't believe how fast but slow it went. I'm so amazed at everything you do. Everyday when I wake up and see your precious face. I see those gorgeous eyes that you have. That beautiful blonde hair. You're simply amazing and I wouldn't trade it in for the world. I love you sweetie.
So are those tears of happiness for having a precious beautiful girl in my life progressing each day. Or tears of saddness that I will never get that year back? It was a year full of milestones and achievments. We've made it work. We've made it this far, we can make it the rest of our years together.
So there you have it, my princess' first year of life. She's now a happy four year old. I can't beleive how much she has changed over the four years. I can't wait for the next sixteen here home with us. Although I'm scared of the bad decisions that should could make. All the things that she could be exposed to. All the people that she will be near. I'm terrified that she will bad decisions. That she won't do anything in life. I want the best for my babies. They're everything in my eyes. I love them.
How was your child's first year if you have kids?
2 years ago
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