Monday, November 24, 2008

The good.. And the ugly...

I'm on a mission to find a very nice formal dress for a wedding I'm attending in February. This couple is very rich and having their reception at a very expensive hotel. I was just messing around and I clicked on the Prom 2009 dress link to see if I could find anything in there. And I came across the following:


Uhm, I hope she doesn't bend over!

That thing was like $500 .. I have better things to spend $500 on

Let's just show our Vagina off.. K?

That's just HIDEOUS!
Let's slap some more paint on there.
I actually like that one. But I woulnd't wear it to a wedding. Obviously.
That one is kinda cute too. But not for a wedding.
I just want to PUKE!
Those colors are gross. It looks like someone threw paint on it and shit on it.

That looks like something my grandmother would wear.

I think they are pretty cute. But, not for a wedding.

Leopard print. I used to like leopard print. Not anymore.

I like the pink.. but what is the yarn looking stuff?
Why would you buy such an UGLY thing?

Cute. Until the green at the bottom.

(That's the back to the one above)
I like blue and brown together. But that just looks hideous.
Seriously. Why would you want to wear such a fugly thing to your prom.
What is it? It's like 20 different patterns.
I'm iffy on this one. It's cute. But it's not.
Definitely the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

it looks like they just threw a whole bunch of paint together and shook the dress and said VOILA

that's like every color in the crayon box.
i actually like this. and wore something similar to my prom in 10th grade.

that would look cute. in the trash.
leopard + zebra = puke all over.
more puke
that's pretty. i wore something similar to the 2nd prom i went to in 11th grade.
even more puke.
zebra print is not to be on clothing.
that's something i would throw in the trash. sorry.

No words.

1 Lovely notes:

Pam said...

I think you and I have similar taste. I liked the purple one- but I like everything purple. I can't believe some of those dresses- terrible!