I'm happy to announce the birth of my new niece and nephew. They were a little over a month early, but the doctors believe that they messed her due date up and it should have been sooner.
Emalle Kristine
5lbs. 10oz.
19.75 in.
November 23, 2008
Brandon Christopher
5lbs 8.5oz.
November 26, 2008
My sister went through a l o n g, tough labor. She went into the hospital on Friday night around 11pm to get checked. She was having contractions close enough together that she should go. She was supposed to be admitted only for the night. She was fine all through Saturday and was getting ready to go home around 6:30am, I know early... and she started having close contractions again. She called me to come to the hospital because her boyfriend*, had to be at home to pick something up for the baby. I got there around 7:30 and didn't leave her side until about 12pm today. I haven't slept in the past 36 hours and I'm heading to bed now. They're supposed to be home Wednesday or Thursday. They're staying an extended amount because of the babies being early.
They are the cutest things I have ever seen. I can't wait until I get to babysit them.
*Collin, her boyfriend, is Ryan's cousin. I just thought I'd share that :)
2 years ago
1 Lovely notes:
Congrats- I hope the babies and mommy are doing well!
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