I swear, if one more person drives 2 miles an hour through town where their is a whole line of cars behind them, I will rear end you ass.
Tonight was a big football game at my old school. The other team is about 15 miles away. I was going up to my sister's house for the after-game party. It's a tradition in our family. And my brother and all his friends come up after they get home. We have a good time.
As I'm trying to leave town to get to my sister's, I get to the Y. It's a split, ya know. If you have never been in 'the valley' you wouldn't know our ways around here. People come up old 209 thinking it's going to be quicker. Not really asshole. It makes it just as bad because the people who come up new 209 have to sit and wait while people leave 200 billion katrillion cars go. LET ONE FUCKING CAR GO! Then you go. Then the next. ..etc.... I sat for hmm.. about 15 minutes. I get pissy when I have to sit in traffic. I am not an aggressive drive. And I hate road rage. I just like getting places early. And I had to help my sister set up for the little party :)
Then, the person in front of me had to go 2 miles an hour because they didn't know where the pizza place was. IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING EYES (BEFORE YOU PULLED OUT AND PROCEEDED THROUGH TOWN. DUMB ASS) It's right there at the Y. How stupid are people in this valley? Oh wait, that's right. Your from dickland. Go screw yourself and NEVER DRIVE IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN!
--ahh i feel so much better now!
Now it's time to party! :)
2 years ago
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